My friend recently asked me some insightful questions about Cryptex. After carefully addressing these questions, I realized that the answers could be beneficial for others as well. I encourage you to read through attentively, as this information might be exactly what you're looking for. Below, you'll find the questions along with detailed answers.

Question 1: Do you offer for the 5 year and 7 year Contract the same $30 cash back or is it higher?

The reason for this question is that the referral commission per contract is $30. However, I choose to return this $30 to anyone who acquires a contract to help them acquire more contracts or get one at a $30 discount.

Answer: Whether you choose a 3-year, 5-year, or 7-year contract, the total cost remains $100 per contract. There's no room for negotiation on pricing because the $30 rebate I provide is unique, not from the company, and not offered by any other person I think.


This $30 rebate is actually my referral commission, equivalent to 30% ($30) of each $100 contract purchase, which I'm returning to you. This decision is purely personal, driven by my desire to assist committed individuals in seizing this wealth-building opportunity for their future, after noticing the true transforming value this opportunity offers.


Question 2: I'm considering what my allocation of 3, 5 and 7 year will be. I intend to max out at 50 contracts this year. If a higher rebate is offered, that will help me make certain decisions.


Answer: As I mentioned above the $30 is non-negotiable. As a matter of fact, I do offer it only to people who take quick action and secure their contract within 7 days, and the number of contracts does not matter.

If you're considering maxing out on the 50 contracts, now is the perfect time to do so, especially if you're interested in acquiring some 3-year contracts.

On the main website (here:, you'll see that the 3-year contracts are currently sold out. However, for a limited time during the ongoing upgrade to version 2.0, you can still obtain 3-year contracts through the back office.


The expectation is that once the upgrade is complete, the 3-year contracts may disappear at any moment, with only 5, 7, and possibly 10-year contracts being offered thereafter. Remember, they previously had 1-year contracts that also sold out unexpectedly. Therefore, no one can guarantee how long the 3-year contracts will remain available.

Additionally, there's a current special offer on the 3-year contracts: for $1,000, you can acquire 15 contracts that would typically cost $1,500. This represents a fantastic deal worth seizing.


Based on their policy, you can take advantage of this offer twice, allowing you to secure 30 contracts for $2,000, which would normally total $3,000 in value. This presents an exceptional opportunity for savings and investment.


With the knowledge of the information above, here is a tailored offer and recommendation for you: For every $1,000 contract package you acquire, you will receive a $300 rebate. This means that for your 30 contracts, instead of paying $2,000 (already discounted from $3,000), the total cost for 30 contracts will be only $1,400 after factoring in the rebate.


If you choose to acquire 20 contracts, whether for 3 years, 5 years, or 7 years, the cost, with the $30 rebate per contract, will be reduced to $1,400 instead of $2,000.


Therefore, for your purchase of 50 contracts, instead of paying $5,000, your total expenditure would only amount to $2,800 after applying the rebates.


What potential returns can you expect on your investment of $2,800 with 50 contracts?


Let's simplify the calculations by assuming you acquired:

30 contracts with a 3-year term
10 contracts with a 5-year term
10 contracts with a 7-year term


50 Contracts in total.


A 3 year contract returns $35,000
A 5 year contract returns $500,000 and
A 7 year contract returns $1,500,000.


In 3 years, you will have 30 x $35,000 = $1,050,000
In 5 years, you will have 10 x $500,000 = $5,000,000
In 7 Years, you will have 10 x $1,500,000 = $15,000,000


TOTAL IN 7 YEARS:$21,050,000


It may seem overly optimistic, but what if it's achievable? Imagine having more than enough money for a good life and leaving behind a great legacy. If you haven't visualized this yet, consider it now and decide how much longer you want to wait.


This scenario assumes that you do nothing else with the opportunity. However, if you appreciate the potential and the concept, and choose to share it with others, you can earn ongoing unlimited commissions of $30 from any direct contracts and earnings go down 10 levels.


To be fully transparent, I've sacrificed my immediate commissions to help you start more affordably. Nevertheless, in the long term, I will be earning 8% daily from your daily returns, which does NOT affect your earnings, and this earning potential extends down 20 levels if you decide to share with others and they do the same.


So, 8% of your total earnings would be 8% of $21,050,000 = $1,684,000 (assuming you did not bring in any referrals)


That is the power of the system. So in a nutshell,
You spent $2,800 to have a return of $21,050,000 in 3 - 7 years, and
I gave away $1,200 in immediate commissions to end up with $1,684,000 in 3 - 7 years.


That is why taking the time to understand how a system works can be a game changer. I rest my case. If you have not joined Cryptex yet or forgot your password, join today, or request a password reset to log in.

Click here now to join Cryptex or to Login.



As of the date of this writing (03/12/25), you can receive even a better deal! Instead of the $30 rebate, you can opt for a $50 paid membership in Beyond Infinity. That should open up another 100% passive Income Stream for you.

This platform has been a highly reliable yet underestimated "sleeping giant" since 2019, often overlooked due to a lack of understanding. Beyond Infinity not only empowers you to build wealth but also protects and transfers it to future generations.


This opportunity can generate unlimited immediate income while also providing stable and ongoing weekly retirement income in the long term. It's a comprehensive solution for wealth creation and preservation that shouldn't be overlooked.


If you're not yet a member of Beyond Infinity, here's a special offer: Purchase a single $100 contract in Cryptex, and I will cover your one-time $50 membership fee for Beyond Infinity.


Already a member of Beyond Infinity? No worries! When you acquire a $100 contract in Cryptex, you'll receive a $30 cash back to your Cryptex Back office.


Click here for a brief overview of Beyond Infinity.


Contact me on WhatsApp @+1 702 782 7224 if you have any questions.

"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."

- Warren Buffett. -

Copyright - The Money Man - 2024