Beyond Infinity offers a program that allows individuals to own their dream car for free with minimal out-of-pocket costs. Participants must be a paid member of Beyond Infinity and deposit a minimum of $250, which is a one-time contribution to the corporate marketing initiative. The deposit is used to buy the participant a profit share in the already profitable businesses owned by Beyond Infinity. The profit share deposit provides a return of at least 3% of the deposit every week, which can be withdrawn or compounded. Participants can withdraw all their cash back in about 48 weeks and receive their dream car four weeks later, completely paid for including tax, title, and license.
If the participant wants a luxury car, they can deposit $1,500, and $1,240 would get them a profit share of 4% every week. The compounded weekly return would provide the participant with over $8,291 at the end of a year. The money for the car is not invested for the participant by Beyond Infinity. Instead, the deposit is used to provide a share of the profits from Beyond Infinity’s other businesses, which have been profitable for many years. Beyond Infinity has large funds invested in Forex Trading and similar portfolios.
Beyond Infinity’s investment strategy is sound and backed up by a hypothetical example. Suppose that 10 years ago, they decided to put $40,000 into an investment that paid them just 3% a week. This is a common return in today’s world, with competent traders using artificial intelligence bots to review the marketplace. If they withdrew $5,000 a month from that investment, the projection for 10 years is $16 billion. This hypothetical example illustrates the potential of Beyond Infinity’s investment strategy.
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In conclusion, Beyond Infinity’s program allows participants to own their dream car for free with minimal out-of-pocket costs. The deposit is used to provide a share of the profits from Beyond Infinity’s already profitable businesses. The program offers a weekly return of at least 3%, which can be withdrawn or compounded. Participants can withdraw all their cash back in about 48 weeks and receive their dream car four weeks later, completely paid for including tax, title, and license. The investment strategy behind the program is sound and has the potential to generate significant returns over time.
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